Monday, October 26, 2009

An interview with the clever, interesting, musical mastermind...SUFJAN STEVENS!

A Sufjan Steven's production. Just beautiful.

An interview from his recent visit, the only one he did in Aussietown! So watch and listen...It's special.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey folks! last night i watched the movie, 'Misery' and i thought it was one of the best thrillers I've seen in a long time! For an older movie, it sure was intense. Character 'Cathy Bates' did an amazing and convincing job, of being an absolute nutcase, one of the best 'evil' characters I've seen. If your looking for a brutal and frustrating, thriller that will keep you wondering what horrid thing is going to happen next, I suggest you go hire it out! Here is a picture for inspiration! ahaha! 

Sunday, September 6, 2009

o1.08.09 was the first post for 'Daydream Productions' and quite frankly I'm exited! This months theme was the 'cunning hunter' i've had some ideas for my artworks but have currently been in bed with the flu, a shitty knee and no patience for the art making practice, till I'm up and well. 

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Daydream Productions, is for art lovers! 
I want to give any aspiring artist the chance to promote themselves and their art. Each month i submit a topic, which can be stretched as far as the imagination is willing. With reference to the months topic i expect a collection of works surrounding this topic. Eventually, as this is only new, I'm planning on holding monthly exhibitions, in which any 'Daydream Productions' participant is welcome to hang their works. Please join in, put on a good cd, do some art! As this will only benefit you and develop your artmaking practice. You can send me your emails, or any form of contact, so i can see photos of your progress and send you new topics for each month and eventually give details for an exhibition. Thanks, Daydream Productions. 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Circus Krinsky!

Doodles help inspire the mind! this little man entertained me while waiting for my late boss at seven in the morn.